Schroeder, Caroline T.; Zeldes, Amir
Coptic SCRIPTORIUM is a platform for interdisciplinary and computational research in texts in the Coptic language, particularly the Sahidic dialect. As an open-source, open-access initiative, our technologies and corpus facilitate a collaborative environment for digital research for all scholars wor... MORE
The present corpus, the Sächsische Weltchronik Corpus, provides morpho-syntactic and information structural annotation. This corpus was designed and annotated by Project B4 of Collaborative Research Center on Information Structure 632 at Humboldt University Berlin. The main research question is to a... MORE
Petrova, Svetlana; Donhauser, Karin; Odebrecht, Carolin
The present corpus, the Tatian Corpus of Deviating Examples T-CODEX 2.1, provides morpho-syntactic and information structural annotation of parts of the Old High German translation attested in the MS St. Gallen Cod. 56, traditionally called the OHG Tatian, one of the largest prose texts from the cla... MORE
Goldschmidt, Katrin
Das "TuNiZ_17-18"-Korpus (TuNiZ steht für "Text- und Nachrichtenstruktur in Zeitungen") wurde mit dem Ziel entwickelt, Text- und Nachrichtenstrukturen sowie Kohärenzrelationen zwischen ihnen anhand von sieben Wochenzeitungen des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts untersuchen zu können. Dafür wurden die versch... MORE