Ágel, Vilmos; Hennig, Mathilde
Das Kasseler Junktionskorpus ist im Rahmen des von Vilmos Ágel und Mathilde Hennig geleiteten DFG-Projekts “Explizite und elliptische Junktion in der Syntax des Neuhochdeutschen. Pilotprojekt zu einer Sprachstufengrammatik des Neuhochdeutschen” (2007-2009) entstanden. In diesem Projekt wurden in je... MORE
The texts of this corpus, Ludolf von Sudheims Reise ins Heilige Land (Ludolf of Sudheim’s Journey to the Holy Land), is a journey diary describing the adventures of a group of pilgrims, written in Middle Low German and dated back to 1350. For information on the properties of the text, including the... MORE
Mannheim, IDS
The Mannheim Corpus of Historical Newspapers and Magazines consists of 21 German newspapers and magazines from the 18th and 19th century. It comprises 651 individual volumes with over 4.1 Mio word tokens on 4678 pages overall. This corpus has been assembled and digitized from 2009 to 2011, and been... MORE
Hiltmann, Torsten; Odebrecht, Carolin
The series "Die Chroniken der deutschen Städte", published by the Historische Kommission der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, comprises a total of 37 volumes of German-speaking medieval city chronicles for 18 different cities. Released between 1862 and 1931, with a latecomer in 1968, the ser... MORE